The Newton is a fun gizmo. However, itπs functionality may be limited if your names and addresses all reside in another program (like Dynodex). Until Apple releases the Connection Kit Pro, most users have to re-key or write their names, addresses and phone numbers in order to have them on their Newton.
To alleviate this, I created a macro in QuicKeys that will make the transfer process simpler... at least until Connection Kit Pro is released. The macro basically copies and pastes data, one field at a time, from Dynodex to the Newton Connection Kit, until the entire record is copied. I donπt know if this works with other Contact Programs, but youπre welcome to adapt it to fit your needs.
To use the Newton Transfer macro, open it with QuicKeys. Open your name file in Dynodex and the Newton Connection Kit. Make Dynodex the active window and press F9. Each field will be copied from Dynodex to Newton Connection Kit, one at a time. Press F9 again to copy the next record. (The keyboard buffer will hold about 10 or 15 ≥F9 presses,≤ so you can start the process, punch F9 several times and then go watch television, make coffee, or wash the dog ã when you return, several records will have been copied).
If you donπt have data in a field, the macro pastes the data from the previous field into the Newton Connection Kit. The quick-&-dirty workaround is to fill all empty fields with periods.
After all your records have been transferred, just synchronize your Newton, and all your names and addresses will be included on the Newton. Enjoy ã Ben Sharp.
There are a number of mines hidden within the grid in the center of the screen. Your job is to locate these mines without actually uncovering any.
To start, click on any square. If you reveal a mine, the smiley face will frown and you lose. Otherwise, a number will show. This number is the count of mines around that space. Continue to open up random spaces until a large area opens up automatically.